
Identifier: contentId

A content is Candu's core entity. Contents can have many different types, such as Inline, Modal, Tour or HotspotGroup. Each Content can be Live or Published.

Content can also be used inside other pieces of Content as an Embed, so that you can create complex nested logic.


Identifier: placementId

Placements are responsible for showing the right Content in the right place. Each Content can have multiple placements, which in turn can have multiple URL rules and selectors. Selectors can be reused across multiple pieces of Content.


Identifier: segmentId

Segments are a set of users. Segments are used to target users and to create dynamic content.

The "Everyone" Segment contains all your users and has segmentId=Everyone.

A Content can be targeted to any number of Segments, each one will have their own document. A user will be shown the first Segment they match.


Identifier: documentId

A Document is responsible for maintaining version history, commit log and publishing state for a given set of nodes.

The exact versionId can be accessed in all the tracking calls, in case you want to track version changes. VersionIds are sha1 hashes.

Components and Node

Identifier: nodeId

Components are logical grouping of nodes. For example, a Checklist component contains two types of nodes, ChecklistGroup and ChecklistItem.

Nodes are organised in a tree data structure, and are created to reflect how the DOM works.


A nodeId is not unique across Candu, but the combination of documentId and nodeId is.